For a good nutritional balance,
it is important to eat a balanced diet
Carbohydrate counting is crucial for people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), who have to decide how many units of insulin to inject according to the amount of carbohydrate ingested.
The webDia application was developed in Switzerland by the father of a child with T1D, in collaboration with the Geneva University Hospitals. The aim is to support people being treated with insulin and those around them in their daily lives, and to encourage independence and autonomy.
By creating the webDia-Mundi app, this Swiss innovation has been transposed to other contexts around the world.
Nutritional balance
The aim of the webDia-Mundi application is to help you count the carbohydrates in different foods, so that you can adjust your insulin dose and improve your day-to-day diabetes control. For a good nutritional balance, it is advisable to divide the food in each meal as follows :
- half the plate with vegetables,
- ¼ of the plate with a protein source
- and the other ¼ with a source of carbohydrates
Some foods do NOT contain carbohydrates, or contain very few carbohydrates: such as meat, fish, cheeses, eggs, vegetables, sugar-free drinks and water. Foods containing simple sugars (natural fruit juices, sugar, honey, fizzy drinks, etc.) are absorbed very quickly and are best taken in the event of hypoglycaemia (when sugar levels are very low).
Pasta (noodles, lasagne, macaroni, etc.), starchy foods (potatoes, maize, biscuits, bread, rice, cereals, etc.) and pulses (kidney beans, broad beans, etc.) are rich in carbohydrates, so you need to know the amount of carbohydrates to adjust the insulin dose required.
CAUTION : In no way does webDia-Mundi replace follow-up with healthcare professionals
of people live with diabetes (1 in 10)
Most cases of diabetes are type 2 (T2D)
are type 1 cases (T1D)
For a nutritional balance,
it is important to eat a balanced diet

half the plate
with vegetables

1/4 from the plate
with protein

1/4 from the plate
with carbohydrates
Some foods do not contain carbohydrates
Such as meat, fish, cheese, eggs, vegetables, sugar-free drinks and water
from a family story to webDia-Mundi…
November 2011
Kim in the emergency room of the University Hospitals of Geneva, when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Spring 2012
With the onset of diabetes, the family found themselves having to do the math to determine the doses of insulin to inject. All these calculations generated stress and tension. To overcome this, I decided to develop a calculation assistance application. This is how webDia was born, which was used for more than a year only in the family environment.
This allowed Kim to become more independent and show her that she was capable of managing her illness !
webDia was validated by the University Hospitals of Geneva, and has since been distributed on their site.

Since 2013
In 2013, webDia was validated and adapted by the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), so that all children and young people living with T1D and their families can use it.
webDia was used for 10 years at the HUG and was able to prove its worth thanks to a randomized study (Klee P, Castellsague M, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2018;)

Building on this success, the idea of extending it to other countries was born. I was contacted by the Division of Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine to develop webDia and adapt it to several countries or regions of the world. This is how webDia-Mundi was created.
We started in Peru where we worked with professionals from the country to create the Peruvian version. Currently, we have more than 770 users in Peru: health professionals, children living with T1D, as well as their families and friends

Summer 2024
Kim now manages her diabetes very well, she is training to become a nurse…