

avril 16, 2024 Uncategorized 0

“Regarding the application: it is very good, useful, practical, and necessary. It needs to expand to include more Peruvian foods, and if possible, common, homemade, traditional, and more representative dishes from Peru’s regions. Justification: Type 1 diabetes is present in all regions of Peru, and Web-Dia Mundi is intended for use throughout Peru. If possible, including actual images of Peruvian foods would be fantastic. In the introduction, it could be made more graphic to show portion sizes so that people can visually identify or recognize them. Utilization: My recommendation is to train primary care professionals who work with people with diabetes, specifically with type 1 diabetes and/or patients who use insulin as treatment. Prioritize the basic diabetes care team for type 1. and definitely monitor the use and impact of the training. If possible, monitor the use of WebDia Mundi. Dissemination: Increase dissemination and promotion of the benefits of WebDia Mundi, primarily within the medical and health community, and then among the target audience. This is a summary.”